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Disclaimer: The following server is owned by me, listed in a way to minimize bias. This can be considered a template for future servers as they are added.

1:Ace Combat: A Connected Sky

Description: This is a Discord Roleplaying Server, offering multi-paragraph roleplay. The server is advertised as a 'collaborative writing process'.

Set in an alternate Universe (AU), the Lighthouse war of Ace Combat 7 never materializes.

Instead, an Anarchist organization known as 'A United Dawn' or AUD for short, begin a world war that sees every nation in the Strangereal universe involved in one way or another.

Websites/Servers interested in joining can message the Webmaster With the subject line titled "WEBSITE APPLICATION" in all captial letters with a brief blurb about the roleplay. Be as specific as possible. This e-mail will also accept any questions one may have regarding the process.

This website will continue in operation until hell freezes over or neocities croaks.

Website designed (poorly) by mothman47, 2023.